USA $5.50 UK £4 CANADA $7 EU €5
The vainglorious nincompoop populist ruler of what's been renamed Murka because his followers couldn't spell America has just announced his New Hope for Children initiative, which enables Latino refugee families to trade their children for green cards. The children are then given to Saudi, Russian, and Brazilian oligarchs whose own kids need various organ transplants. Everyone’s a winner, with the possible exception of the wee organ donors. But if the society as a whole seems hopelessly polarized, it’s even worse in the prisons. You’ll laugh. You’ll cry. And then, with any luck, you’ll laugh again.
USA $10 UK £8 CANADA $13 EU €9
In the late 1980s, a Hollywood-based rock group called Wanton notices their competitors attracting large and fervent female audiences by dressing as the sort of young woman they hope to meet backstage. Fightng back embarrassment, they buy lipstick and hairspray and Size 12 high heels, and away they go, all the way to No. 2 in the singles chart.
Twenty-five years later, a billionaire fan they never even knew they had decides to throw himself a lavish birthday party, at which the Formerlies are offered $3 million to perform.
Too bad none of them has spoken to the others in 42 years, and the lead singer's had a sex change.
USA $10 UK £8 CANADA $13 EU €9
The morning after performing a random act of kindness on the London Underground, a mild-mannered driving instructor who used long ago to play in a band wakes up to discover that he could teach Jimi Hendrix a thing or two. He reunites his old band, becomes the world's most celebrated guitar hero, and discovers that fame and fortune aren't nearly as much fun as they appear to those who don't have them.
USA $10 UK £8 CANADA $13 EU €9
Gemma didn’t ask to have a very pretty face, or a figure unanimously perceived as spectacular. Mixed blessings, to be sure! Over the years, her beauty has opened a great penthouse doors, but also got me slobbered all over by an endless succession of men who were impatiently breast-fed in their infancies, or something.
At the beginning of her mordant memoir of misogyny, she's put her dreams of becoming a veterinary nurse on hold to become the sugar babe of a septuagenarian billionaire. It was either that or condemn her uninsured father to die of a rare genetic condition.
USA $10 UK £8 CANADA $13 EU €9
In the world of WIKF, the star of the show is no longer the most important member of a concert tour. That distinction goes to the pollster who crunches numbers after every performance to ensure that, for instance, the African American backup vocalists the tour has hired to appease the NAACP aren’t…too black. Conversely, the Justin Bieber-ish white rapper on whose I Remember Martin [Luther King Jr.] television special Keri is invited to appear, employs a cadre of homeboy bodyguards whose principal duty is to keep assuring him that he’s actually the blackest motherfucker on the planet. “You the complete absence of light, yo.”
USA $10 UK £8 CANADA $13 EU €9
Stressed to the max, God visits the Los Angeles law firm that represents him. “What an awful lot of responsibility you’ve got,” one of its partners says. “Who wouldn’t find that level of pressure oppressive? It seems to me — and of course I’m a litigator and not a psychotherapist — that you’d do well to focus on a tiny fraction of humanity, maybe even a single suburb. There’s a place up in northeast County that might fit the bill. San Rodrigo. Lots of wealth, but also a lot of poverty. Multi-racial.”
And God imagined he was stressed before!
USA $10 UK £8 CANADA $13 EU €9
There are no crueler people on earth than children, especially those who doubt their parents' love. The main characters in this novel about bullying and the toxic masculinity that engenders it are the meek father who's trying in vain to relive his painful childhood through his irredeemably passive son, the wild, apparently doomed son of a drug-abusing biker, and a spoiled little bully to whom a succession of lowlifes are surrogate daddies.
USA $10 UK £8 CANADA $13 EU €9
Billy Sizemore, a follower of a populist politician, becomes a hero of the very far right after killing a “libtard” protester at a political rally. He records a horrible anthem of misguided patriotism that becomes the most downloaded track in the country, but is then killed by a drive-by assassin. A corrupt San Francisco Police Department detective strongarms a paralegal turned sex worker to help him find Billy’s murderers,
Disounct priced!
USA $6 UK £5 CANADA $8 EU €6